Sunday, February 21, 2010


Well this was another fun and crazy week.  We went to Logan and had lunch with friends and family and had some good time to just chat and catch up.  As you can tell these grandkids do their best to keep us entertained!!

We had another special birthday this week.  Kaipolani turned 5 and we all celebrated together at  "Boondocks" which turned out to be a fun and rambunctious place where everyone could run pretty wild!
It seems that Kaipo had a pretty great birthday with all his cute cousins and friends. 





We had another wonderful visit with our beautiful Sister Sundaram at Temple Square again this week.  It was a surprise appearance and she was somewhat overcome again but we had a wonderful brief visit.  Coincidentally it was her companion's "last hour' of her mission so that was pretty fun.  We then had a meeting with the CES Administrator who we came to know on our mission.  He is  a wonderful man and we had a great time sharing thoughts and experiences from India.  He was anxious to tell us about the many CES missionary opportunities around the world. (not quite ready to hear about that yet)  


britt said...

SOO glad to have you around for all the fun, wild times!

Bob and Becky said...

So good to read of your "normal"lifestyle. Sounds like it has been an easy adjustment for the the two of you, with lots of family, friends and missionary moments still stirring the pot. YOU BOTH LOOK GREAT!