Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We just returned from a hasty but very fun trip to California.  The primary reason for the trip was to celebrate Evan's baptism.  It was "near" perfect except Allan and I kept saying, "If only Bertie were here!!"  We did sorely miss Britt, Quinn and kids.  Evan was Evan--very conscious of the seriousness of this important time in his  young life.   We love this boy so much and are glad that we were "home" to feel of his wonderful spirit as he was baptized and confirmed a member of God's church.

We are so proud of the wonderful way in which Aaron and Debbie are raising their family.  They most definately have their priorities in order!

This family picture is pretty good considering so many young munchkins.  Can anyone photo shop Brittany & Quinn's family into the picture???

We had a couple of marvelous days at the beach--actually I think we got to 5 different beaches with near perfect weather for all fun, sand, surf, boogie boarding, sand digging and more........

And when we weren't at the beach there was much fun to be had--a dinner at McClintock's, fun with cousins and lots of snuggles with Grandma and Grandpa.

Sorry for the overload of pictures, but all this because  "WE 2" found each other just 39 years ago and how our lives have been blessed!

1 comment:

Bob and Becky said...

Felicidades.....39 years and look at all those grandchildren...... We celebrated our 36th.....we're going to have to have multiple births to catch up with you.
con amor.