Monday, October 3, 2011

Beautiful Worldwide Saints

Last week we hosted a conference for the Area Advisors of the Centers for Young Adults.  These 10 couples are called as service missionaries in various geographic regions throughout Europe to "advise and shepherd" the Centers in their local.  We were very inspired and impressed with their commitment and strength of testimony, experience in church leadership and enthusiasm.  They came from  Sweden, Belgium, England, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Cape Verde, and Germany.
Six of the couples were newly called so we held training meetings with teaching and discussion of the Guidelines and viewing of the new CfYA training DVD .  We had lunch catered both days and had a lovely dinner at a local restaurant.

As we were dealing with so many countries, we had translating going on in German, French, Portuguese and Spanish.  We were a bit worried that all would understand and grasp the meaning of so many details.  But at the end of the conference we were PROFOUNDLY taught that the spirit reaches the "one" in all languages.  As these beautiful people bore their testimonies (sometimes being translated into English and then on into several other languages) the spirit had truly taught all of us the message that the Lord needed conveyed.  It was an inspiring experience. 
It will be such a blessing to serve with these magnificient leaders in Europe.


Tracy Hall Jr said...

Hello, Elder & Sister Asplund,

It's 4:07 a.m. in Provo Canyon -- I just awakened and am too excited to get back to sleep. My wife and I just opened our mission call this afternoon, via web conference, because she was in Albuquerque. We've been called to the Alpine German-Speaking Mission, to serve (subject to modification by our mission president) in the Center for Young Adults. We enter the Provo MTC Jan. 23, 2012 and will serve for 23 months. We don't yet know how long we'll be in the MTC.

Just after we opened our call, one of my sons found your blog.

This will be my second mission (I served in Berlin & North Germany 1965-7) and her first, but she enjoyed a semester abroad in Salzburg while attending BYU and also speaks German.

I'm sure we'll soon receive further instructions from our mission president.

We look forward to serving with you!

Elder H. Tracy Hall Jr.
Sister Helen Hall
9090 Meadow Dr., Provo Cny.
Provo, UT 84604,

Chris Grover said...

What productive, important work you are doing. Such amazing leaders -- you always have been. "Went about doing good" describes you both so well. Ever busy doing good for others. We love you so much and miss you every day!