Sunday, April 15, 2012

Adventures with "flat Kyle"

This week we got a visitor who will be staying with us for a few weeks.  His name was flat Stanley, but soon after he arrived he informed us that he wanted to be called flat Kyle.  So he has been going everywhere with us and providing exciting company.  He went to the office with Grandpa and was very good with the budget.  Because he is always hungry we took him to dinner but he couldn't decide between a "gigantic" hamburger or ribs.  Which do you think he chose???

On Saturday we were reading to flat Kyle about Little Red Riding Hood and decided he would like to visit the author's home, the Grimm Brothers Museum.  He was quite delighted with all the fairy tales he heard and visiting with some very interesting characters such as the Seven Dwarfs, Hansel and Gretal and the Frog Prince.  What an interesting adventure he is having.
Soon he will be going to Amsterdam.  I wonder what he will see there?


Debbie said...

Dear Gram and Pop where is Amsterdam?

Debbie said...

Love, Kyle

Debbie said...

My mom showed me where Amsterdam is. How long will it take you to get there? Are you going to get there by a rickshaw, plane, car, train or bus?