July 18 marks the day of our return from our mission in Germany. We flew to Paris and then a non stop 10 hour flight to Salt Lake. It was a grand reunion with all the family with signs, balloons and a brief delay as we waited in the International terminal and they held up their signs in the main terminal. Nevertheless, the meeting was glorious and exciting!
Grandchildren have grown up and changed but most of them still know us and that is a plus. We spent several days getting reacquainted and having great fun together. Our family is the joy of our lives and it is quite amazing to all be together again after our 18 month separation.
Grandchildren have grown up and changed but most of them still know us and that is a plus. We spent several days getting reacquainted and having great fun together. Our family is the joy of our lives and it is quite amazing to all be together again after our 18 month separation.
Our mission was an amazing and interesting assignment as we directed the Centers for Young Adults throughout Europe. We were so blessed to serve with such outstanding and inspired leaders as President Teixeira and Elder Wright. We hold wonderful people in many lands close in our hearts and also made many friends with the devoted couples serving in the Europe Area Office.
Our lives have been truly enriched by this blessed opportunity to serve this mission.