Saturday, March 26, 2011


During the past 2 weeks we have enjoyed a glorious transformation here from the cold and grey to  sunny days and blossoms and green everywhere.  We have a 3 sq. mile old cemetary across the street where we go for our daily walk and it is now so green with trees in bloom and freshly planted flowers.  Fresh cuts flowers are also plentiful, especially the tulips.  The Frankfurt temple grounds are also so lovely now.

This picture is from our balcony with our new pansies.  We love our "European neighborhood" and enjoy the skyline in the distance.
We have had another wonderful week and been blessed with miracles along the way.  The Lord's hand is so evident in the work here.  Friday we went to the Frankfurt temple with about 15 other missionary couples.  It is a very different and beautiful temple and it was a peaceful and uplifting evening.

We love the times we have visiting the Centers for Young Adults.  This week we went to the Mainz Center about an hour outside of Frankfurt.  It was a fun and international group and the couple managing the Center so devoted and enthused.  This is where the real rewards are evident for these wonderful young single adults.
(FYI-the man on the left is Elder Wirthlin-son of Apostle Joseph Wirthlin.  He is the Director of Temporal Affairs for Europe

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moving Forward in Frankfurt

       This has been a rewarding and interesting week here in 
Porthstrasse 11. (our address)  We were blessed to have a 10 hour training with our Area 70 who is over the CFYA.  He lives in Birmingham, England so we felt really priviledged to have him spend time training and counseling with us.  He is an incredible man and taught with such compassion and knowledge that we came away with new focus and enthusiasm for the great work here.  The Area leaders have shifted their thinking and path a bit and "simplify" seems to be the operative word.  We are so excited about the changes we need to implement and are attempting to move forward.
We serve with such a terrific group of senior missionary couples.  About 20 couples work in the Area office and we are making great friendships.  Once a month we have a cultural outing together and last Saturday we all went to a palace and fortress about 1 1/2  hrs out of Frankfurt.  It was a crisp spring day and we saw some very interesting sights and enjoyed getting better acquainted.

Each week we attempt to visit one or more Center for Young Adults here in the Frankfurt area.  Usually Monday night they have FHE and an activity and a light meal.  On Thursday the offer several Institute classes and refreshments and then on the weekend sometime during the month they do a service project or have a dance or game night.  It is so fun to visit and get to know these great YSAs and the couples running the Centers.  The full time Elders are usually nearby to help with referrals and search and rescue efforts.  That is going to be  our main focus for the next few months to get more missionary efforts going in the Centers.

It has been another fast and wonderful week.  We are experiencing a very easy transition into the German culture and we love the members here.  They are so determined and have great faith that the Lord is helping move His work forward in their land.  What a blessing to be here, NOW !

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lovin' Our Mission

Well really love being on this mission in Germany.  This has been a great week in so many ways.  The pieces are beginning to fall into place with our responsibilities with the Centers for Young Adults and each day we get another piece of the puzzle into the right spot.  We have such terrific friends and assistants here who explain and lead us through these difficult first weeks.  A few days ago the couple who were suppose to replace us in India but got reassigned to Munich made a surprise visit to our office.  What a small world.
This couple came over with us and Elder Paxton is doing the finances for CfYA and his wife works in the CES office here. 
They are a fun couple and we do alot together.
Last Saturday we went with our good buds Elder and Sister Colton to Heidleberg which is about an hour outside of Frankfurt.  It was such a charming little village with cobblestone streets and fun shops and a huge old castle.  It was really a spring like day and we had a wonderful time walking along the river up to the castle.
And this week my dearly loved companion celebrated his birthday.  We baked a cake (a little challenging here for the first time) and shared with all those who work on our floor and in the evening went to dinner with 5 other couples who had birthdays in March.
We daily recognize the tender mercies of the Lord that bless our lives as we serve this mission.  When we face new and challenging issues the Lord allows us to struggle a bit and when we feel exhausted the way seems to open for us to once again move forward.  How our lives are blessed and how full our hearts are with gratitude for such blessings.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Week in Frankfurt

We have begun our new and exciting mission in Europe.  We have been in Frankfurt for 5 busy and interesting days.  We live in a beautiful part of the city just 100 steps from our office.  We work in the Europe Area office as directors for the Centers for Young Adults in Europe.  We are excited for this opportunity to be a part of this amazing work and are learning so much literally by the hour.  We have met so many fun and enthusiastic people from all over the world who work here.  There are about 20 missionary couples who also serve in this office.  So we have made many new friends in a few short days.